10 White fang – Jack London 21-25 editoarea March 31, 2016 Jack London The incredible adventures of a wolf family, Kiche and One Eye and their pups. Another famine comes upon the land when the cubs are still young, and all of the cubs die - except one: a Gray wolf cub: White...
10 White fang – Jack London 16-20 editoarea March 31, 2016 Jack London The incredible adventures of a wolf family, Kiche and One Eye and their pups. Another famine comes upon the land when the cubs are still young, and all of the cubs die - except one: a Gray wolf cub: White...
10 White fang – Jack London 11-15 editoarea March 31, 2016 Jack London The incredible adventures of a wolf family, Kiche and One Eye and their pups. Another famine comes upon the land when the cubs are still young, and all of the cubs die - except one: a Gray wolf cub: White...
10 White fang – Jack London 6-10 editoarea March 31, 2016 Jack London The incredible adventures of a wolf family, Kiche and One Eye and their pups. Another famine comes upon the land when the cubs are still young, and all of the cubs die - except one: a Gray wolf cub: White...
10 White fang – Jack London 1-5 editoarea March 31, 2016 Jack London The incredible adventures of a wolf family, Kiche and One Eye and their pups. Another famine comes upon the land when the cubs are still young, and all of the cubs die - except one: a Gray wolf cub: White...
10 Doctor fara voie – Moliere editoarea March 31, 2016 Moliere Sganarelle ajunge sa fie luat drept un doctor faimos in urma unei farse jucate de sotia sa. Adus cu forta in casa lui Geronte pentru a-i vindeca fiica, devenita muta peste noapte, Sganarelle incearca din...
10 Alice in Wonderland – C.S.Lewis 11-12 editoarea March 30, 2016 C.S.Lewis Alice grows bored listening to her sister read aloud from a history book. When her sister prevents Alice from daydreaming, Alice tells her kitten Dinah that she would rather live in a nonsensical magical land...
10 Alice in Wonderland – C.S.Lewis 6-10 editoarea March 30, 2016 C.S.Lewis Alice grows bored listening to her sister read aloud from a history book. When her sister prevents Alice from daydreaming, Alice tells her kitten Dinah that she would rather live in a nonsensical magical land...
10 Alice in Wonderland – C.S.Lewis 1-5 editoarea March 30, 2016 C.S.Lewis Alice grows bored listening to her sister read aloud from a history book. When her sister prevents Alice from daydreaming, Alice tells her kitten Dinah that she would rather live in a nonsensical magical land...
10 Dictatorul – Alexandru Kiritescu editoarea March 30, 2016 Alexandru Kiritescu Comedia Dictatorul de Alexandru Kiritescu apare in anul 1945. Ce te faci cand nimic nu te multumeste si nimeni nu-i poate intra in gratiile "excelentei"? Atunci te transformi intr-un dictator,...
10 Cum a ajuns motanul Tom primar – Arthur Miller editoarea March 29, 2016 Arthur Miller Cum ai reactiona daca intr-o buna dimineata te-a trezi in pat cu un motan vorbitor? Sigur te-ai speria! Acesta nu este orice fel de motan, era mult mai destept decat oricare din neamul sau! El este Thomas,...
10 Moara cu noroc – Ioan Slavici 16-17 editoarea March 28, 2016 Ioan Slavici Ghita, cizmar sarac, dar onest, harnic si muncitor, hotaraste sa ia in arenda carciuma de la Moara cu noroc, pentru a castiga rapid bani. O vreme, la Moara cu noroc, afacerile ii merg bine, iar aparitia lui...