10 Jack London – Lup Larsen – Capitolul 04 editoarea December 23, 2021 Jack London #CartiAudio #LupLarsen #JackLondon #CartiOnline #AudiobookLupLarsen #CharleyFuruseth Umilitoare si dureroase lucruri mi s-au intamplat dupa aceea, in timp ce ma straduiam sa ma adaptez noului meu mediu pe...
10 Jack London – Lup Larsen – Capitolul 03 editoarea December 21, 2021 Jack London #CartiAudio #LupLarsen #JackLondon #CartiOnline #AudiobookLupLarsen #CharleyFuruseth Injuraturile lui Lup Larsen incetara la fel de brusc pe cat incepusera. Isi aprinse iarasi tigara de foi si se uita in...
10 Jack London – Lup Larsen – Capitolul 02 editoarea December 21, 2021 Jack London #CartiAudio #LupLarsen #JackLondon #CartiOnline #AudiobookLupLarsen #CharleyFuruseth Aveam senzatia ca ma legan intr-un ritm puternic prin intensitatea spatiului.Dar visul, caci vis imi spuneam ca trebuie...
10 Jack London – Lup Larsen – Capitolul 01 editoarea December 19, 2021 Jack London #CartiAudio #LupLarsen #JackLondon #CartiOnline #AudiobookLupLarsen #CharleyFuruseth Nu prea stiu bine de unde sa incep istorisirea, desi uneori, in gluma, invinuiesc pe Charley Furuseth de toate cele...
10 Viata si opera – Jack London editoarea February 10, 2020 Jack London 12 ianuarie 1876. Se naste la San Francisco scriitorul Jack Griffith Chaney, cunoscut ca Jack London. Tatal natural, astrologul William Mike Chaney refuza recunoasterea paternitatii iar tatal sau vitreg,...
8.7 Martin Eden – Jack London editoarea May 20, 2017 Jack London Nuvela Martin Eden de Jack London descrie viata unui tanar proletar–marinar, ce indragostit fiind de tanara aristocrata Ruth Morse, isi doreste cu orice pret sa devina demn de ea si de clasa burgeza din care...
10 White fang – Jack London 21-25 editoarea March 31, 2016 Jack London The incredible adventures of a wolf family, Kiche and One Eye and their pups. Another famine comes upon the land when the cubs are still young, and all of the cubs die - except one: a Gray wolf cub: White...
10 White fang – Jack London 16-20 editoarea March 31, 2016 Jack London The incredible adventures of a wolf family, Kiche and One Eye and their pups. Another famine comes upon the land when the cubs are still young, and all of the cubs die - except one: a Gray wolf cub: White...
10 White fang – Jack London 11-15 editoarea March 31, 2016 Jack London The incredible adventures of a wolf family, Kiche and One Eye and their pups. Another famine comes upon the land when the cubs are still young, and all of the cubs die - except one: a Gray wolf cub: White...
10 White fang – Jack London 6-10 editoarea March 31, 2016 Jack London The incredible adventures of a wolf family, Kiche and One Eye and their pups. Another famine comes upon the land when the cubs are still young, and all of the cubs die - except one: a Gray wolf cub: White...
10 White fang – Jack London 1-5 editoarea March 31, 2016 Jack London The incredible adventures of a wolf family, Kiche and One Eye and their pups. Another famine comes upon the land when the cubs are still young, and all of the cubs die - except one: a Gray wolf cub: White...