10 Alice in Wonderland – C.S.Lewis 11-12 editoarea March 30, 2016 C.S.Lewis Alice grows bored listening to her sister read aloud from a history book. When her sister prevents Alice from daydreaming, Alice tells her kitten...
10 Alice in Wonderland – C.S.Lewis 6-10 editoarea March 30, 2016 C.S.Lewis Alice grows bored listening to her sister read aloud from a history book. When her sister prevents Alice from daydreaming, Alice tells her kitten...
10 Alice in Wonderland – C.S.Lewis 1-5 editoarea March 30, 2016 C.S.Lewis Alice grows bored listening to her sister read aloud from a history book. When her sister prevents Alice from daydreaming, Alice tells her kitten...
9 Martorii – Robert Thomas editoarea March 27, 2015 Robert Thomas Actiunea se petrece in biroul notarului Roche! Domnisoara Alice povesteste la telefon filmul de aseara cu prietena ei insa uita sa-si faca...
10 Alice in tara minunilor – Lewis Carroll editoarea February 18, 2015 Lewis Carroll, Povesti Online Alice sta pe banca impreuna cu sora ei. Vede un iepure cu ceas si il urmareste intr-o vizuina. Ajunge intr-o sala cu o masa pe care sa afla o cheita...